Susan Henson
Erin Duerr
John & Linda Martin
Scripture Reader
Bud Oates
Communion Servers
Jody Wall, Sarah Kirk, Tommy Miller,
Rita Whittemore, Terri Milliken, Steve Duerr
St. Gabriel’s Soup Kitchen Volunteers
May 10 - Stewart Powell & Bud Oates
Deacon for the month of May
Terri Milliken
Elder for the month of May
Jody Wall
Nursery Volunteer for May
Mary Ellen Bartek
Children’s Church Volunteer for May 7
Betsy Krigbaum
Bereavement Team
Number 2
Ongoing Donation Requests
St. Gabriel’s Soup Kitchen needs prepackaged desserts.
Yokefellow Service Center requests toiletries: shampoo, deodorant,
toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, etc.
(Please leave items in the labeled baskets located beside
the elevator on the main floor. Thank you.)