Winterfest 2016

Honoring Dr. Donald Scofield for 15 Years of dedicated service

to Rutherfordton Presbyterian Church

Don's Sister and Parents in attendence.


Gifts presented to Dr. Don Scofield


Donations for the Building Project given in Honor of Dr. Don Scofield.


Thanks to everyone for the great turn out, delicious food, and the wonderful offering on Sunday.

I think we succeeded in surprising Dr. Don. Together we raised $90,260.06 for our building and

renovation programs. This could not have been possible without everyone’s help.


Everyone enjoyed the covered dish dinner which was well attended.



Thank You!

I really do not know where to begin except to say a most sincere and heart-felt “Thank You!” to each one of you. The luncheon and surprise party this past Sunday will always be a highlight of my ministry. The food was delicious, the gifts are beautiful, and the money raised in my honor for the new building is simply astounding! You have given me far more than I could ever anticipate or deserve. The past 15 years with you are among the best of my life and I love and treasure all of you! I am grateful to God for the privilege of serving with you and look forward to what God has in store for us in the future. May the Lord richly bless our congregation as we continue to seek Christ in all things and give God the glory! 
