Rutherfordton Presbyterian Church


Church Committees

   If you feel lead to serve the Lord through any of our church's committees, below are the committees, their leaders and their responsibilities.

   In addition, if you see a need that needs to be addressed in our church, please contact the appropriate committee to have the need addressed.

Committee Descriptions

Christian Growth & Nurture Committee
This committee is responsible for providing quality Christian Education opportunities for everyone.  Opportunities include:  Sunday School, New Members Classes, Children and Youth Groups, Bible Studies, and Vacation Bible School.

Fellowship Committee
This committee plans and organizes a number of events designed to promote community and encourage our church family to meet and fellowship together during the year.   Events in recent years include:  Mother’s and Father’s Day, Annual Fall Festival, Mission Dinners, and Special Occasion Meals.

Finance & Stewardship Committee
The Finance & Stewardship Committee is responsible for creating the church budget, organizing the stewardship campaign, monitoring the income and expenditure of funds, and managing church investments.

Laura Falls Committee
This committee is charged with distributing funds derived from the interest from one part of the Laura Falls investment fund and donations designated for us by the Laura Falls Committee.  Funds are used to assist church members and others in the community with special needs.  Application is made to the committee for use of these funds.

Membership Ministry
This committee is responsible for developing and implementing programs for prospective and new members.

Nominating Committee
The committee nominates candidates for the congregational election to serve as elders and deacons in the church.  The committee consists of 2 elders (usually from the class that is rotating off of the Session), and representatives from each of the choir, Presbyterian Women, Deacons, youth, and new members.

Outreach Committee
This committee is responsible for our participation in local, national, and foreign missions.  Projects include:  Rutherford Housing Partnership, St. Gabriel’s Soup Kitchen, Habitat for Humanity, RPC Food Pantry, 2 Cents-A-Meal Offering, Yokefellow, Christmas Cheer, Congregational Health ministry, Mission Trips, Support of our Missionaries around the world.

Personnel & Operations
This committee is responsible for church-staff relations, personnel evaluations, and for maintaining the operation of the church office.

Property Committee
The Property committee is responsible for the repair, upkeep, maintenance, and improvements of the buildings and grounds owned by the Rutherfordton Presbyterian Church.

Worship Committee
This committee oversees all aspects of our worship as a congregation.  This includes liturgy, preparation of communion, ushers, flowers, lay readers, music, special worship services, and the Poinsettia and Lily Offerings.